<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/137ae216-0d61-459f-8ef7-a2f196a7cc81/small_logo.avif" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/137ae216-0d61-459f-8ef7-a2f196a7cc81/small_logo.avif" width="40px" /> Brought to you with 💜 by pixiebrix.com


Do you love learning, building, and expressing your creativity?

Then you should join us for #SidebarSummer!

🐦 Tweet the event


#SidebarSummer is all about building extensions in the PixieBrix Sidebar (example).

As you dig in, you’ll learn the sidebar is a great way to embed real-time interactive content into any web app, and bring info and actions to your fingertips on any site.

Check out this sidebar tutorial to get started today!

An In Depth Look at Sidebar Extensions

An In Depth Look at Sidebar Extensions

Ways to get involved

There are many ways to join the festivities! Scroll down for details on each.

  1. Submit a sidebar idea. We’ll do our best to build it for you live.
  2. Join live events i.e. live builds, brown bag lunch, and the sidebar challenge.
  3. Contribute to the Sidebar Gallery. Everyone who shares will receive a PixieBrix t-shirt.

1. Submit a sidebar idea

Need some inspiration? Check out the Sidebar Gallery at the end of this page.

🐦 [Tweet your idea](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=My %23SidebarSummer idea is ...)

✏️ Enter your idea in the form below